Monday, July 14, 2008

Our first full day we drove to Sun Valley. This was a shot from on top of the pass looking over the Stanley basin.

We got to bring our bikes and had a great time biking around Sun Valley and Ketchum. Great trails all over for a long ways.

We went to two 4th of July parades. This was the 2nd one in Stanley going down Main and Wall Streets. No joke, and yup they are dirt roads.
the 1st parade was in Idaho Falls and most of the people in the parade and watching seemed to drive around on 4 wheelers. It was great and the way parades should be.
Oh yeah everyone is a volunteer for fire and emergency respose so they drive these old fire trucks with sirens blaring.
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This is the cabin. the upstairs part is the cabin which is just a room with a counter, a bed, a table, propane tank for a cooktop and light and that is it. No plumbing or electricity. I think Linda called it comfort camping. We had water from a hand pump out in front and just hauled it in.

The next picutre is from the outhouse.

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Alot, and I mean alot of different wildflowers. I took alot of pictures of those. Linda has been telling me all my glasswork is flowers and I need some other topic. Then she was constantly saying "oh look at this one it would make a beautiful window"!

There are meadows like this everywhere. Other than constantly saying "we were made for this kind of life" we talked about how the ocean is awesome and the desert can be beautiful but for both of us it is the mountains. Something about being in the mountains, the air, the beauty, I don't really know why different things impact people differently but it is sure does.
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Sawtooth Lake sits at about 8200 feet and still had ice on it. An incredible sight on a gorgeous summer day!

This is us at Alpine lake just a bit before you head up to Sawtooth.

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A whole page just of Sawtooth lake, and Linda of course.

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These first two pictures are coming back down by Alpine Lake.

This is coming down from Sawtooth Lake. We walked on some snowfields and some of them were snow bridges across the creek.Posted by Picasa

This was a creek we had to cross. On the way in the water was cold but it is fine. We have no idea why on the way out it was not the kind of cold water that freezes your feet off but it was so cold we were both in pain from the knees down for a bit.

The nitty Gritty Dirt band, yeah old timers, have a favorite song of mine called Ripplin' Waters. A part of the chorus is about being in the mountains "in a meadow of columbines, on the edge of the snow line where tall pine trees are pointing us easily to heaven above".
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